Cartman feels threatened and later dresses up as Zen Cartman, tricking the New Kid to fight against the Master Ninjew and his army of gods and religious warriors.

Kyle gets frustrated at Cartman's eagerness to trick the New Kid into phone addiction, and leaves to go back to his "Spiritual roots". The boys find out that the New Kid has severely beaten up Kenny to the point that they have killed him, to which Sheriff Cartman shows no regard and wants the New Kid to play with the cowboys again. Kyle immediately ends the call before Cartman can see him calling The New Kid. Kyle contacts The New Kid and tries to warn then that they are being used by Butters and Cartman.

Shortly in between stages The New Kid is introduced to PVP, by "Don King" Butters. The New Kid is then contacted by Cartman dressed as Awesome-O, claiming that there is a war between robots and aliens, which eventually leads to New Kid defeating Cyborg Kenny, who claims to be the "True" Phone Destroyer. New Kid manages to overpower all of Stan's cards and eventually defeat him. As the New Kid progresses through the Adventure theme to defeat the Indian kids led by Stan of Many Moons, the latter runs away and seeks help from the pirates. Cartman briefly guides the New Kid on the first few stages of story mode. He facetimes New Kid and urges him/her to come meet them and to wear cowboy clothes and bring their phone. Cartman, dressed up as Sheriff Cartman interrupts the agitated kids to suggest that they play "Cowboy vs Indians" and invite the New Kid to help the Cowboys finally defeat the Indians. The kids are unable to decide on what LARP game they should play.