If you don’t, you’ll most likely be required to complete your new state’s entire certification process, which means re-taking your exams. If your certifications have expired, you’ll need to recertify in your current state before applying for a transfer. Your new state will require proof of this certification. The first step is to ensure that your current state-issued certification is up to date. In some states, you may be required to complete additional education before you are allowed on the job. Since each state has its own requirements for practicing EMTs, you’ll need to ensure that your EMT certification transfers. When you decide to seek employment in a different part of the country, there are special considerations to research before you move. Considerations When Transferring to a New State View national and state certification requirements. This exam will require you to demonstrate proper procedures for patient care like responding to cardiac incidents, immobilization of broken or dislocated bones and joints, ventilation, and controlling bleeding. The state psychomotor exam gives you a chance to show your skills in action. The NREMT cognitive exam is typically between 60 and 110 questions and tests knowledge of equipment and situations that EMTs are likely to use in the field, such as cardiology and resuscitation, trauma, obstetrics, airways, ventilation, and basic EMS operations.

Completion of a state-approved and accredited emergency medical responder/emergency medical technology education program.While specific requirements can vary based on your location, typically the following is required to work as an EMT :

Here is a brief guide for what you’ll need to know to successfully transfer to a new department as an EMT. But these transfers require specific considerations, as requirements and eligibility for EMT employment can vary from state to state. With so many opportunities, it’s not uncommon for EMTs to transfer between departments-for example, making a transition from a fire department to an ambulance-or even between states. In 2018, there were approximately 262,100 EMTs in the United States, and emergency responder employment is projected to grow by 7% through the year 2028. Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) are in high demand.